{over} organized planner


daydream chaser

soon-to-be momma


INFJ Type 4

interior design buff

artsy craftsy diy fanatic

positivity enthusiast

oh, hello!

Born and raised in Missouri, I always thought I knew what my life would look like heading into high school and beyond. After switching my major upon graduation, my life ended up taking multiple twists and turns for nearly the next two decades while I tried my best to find what would truly fulfill me. I consistently settled for the safe route which was always less than what I deserved-or was even passionate about. For the first time, I intentionally took a look at my life and what made me feel alive. Since then, I found the courage to break away from a life that never served me and now spend every day trying my best to make it through this adventure called life as wholly and authentically as possible.

more about me ➝

I'm Sheryl, the blonde behind the blog!

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let's go! ➝

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